Natural Health Portal to Wellness
Holistic Learning Module
Life Circle Media & Natural Health Enterprises
trusted information & service since 1975 ~ online since 1995
with Jon David Miller, holistic educator
Special Addendum On
The Most Commonly Threatening
Degenerative Disease Can Be Prevented or Stopped
How and why did the proliferation of cancer come about over the last century?
Cancer does not come out of the blue. It develops as a result of underlying conditions of distress of the organism, which is really the only "dis-ease" there is. The effects of this distress erode a person's health over time.
People have been kept ignorant by the design of social engineers who leave natural health care out of education, leading to people having very poor nutritional and other health habits, and unaware of how to take care of themselves.
Elite powers in high places have implemented planned illness and depopulation modalities for more than a century. These include nutritional deficiency, stress-inducing events and conditions such as debt and war, public poisons and harmful frequencies.
Cancer can be prevented, perhaps even stopped, by reducing the factors that cause distress. There are four interrelated aspects of this disease: tension, toxicity, malnutrition and inactivity.
Tension sets in from a variety of causes: life pressures, worries, fears, negativity, disapproval, manipulation, abuse, accidents -- any unreleased trauma great or small.
Stress and tension result from the money chase, deep debt, rat-race lifestyle the established system has set up for us. Add the psychological programming of the powers behind business, politics and media that generates concerns and fears that add to stress, and of course the challenges of one's personal life.
Toxicity and the presence of parasites cannot be avoided. This is the strongest influence on the incidence of cancer. We live in a polluted environment. Our air, water, soil, food, homes and bodies are all toxic to some degree, and parasitic organisms thrive in a toxic body.
A major factor is the damage from life-threatening public poisons and parasitical bioweapons dispersed into and around us intentionally.
Poisons and microscopic parasites are affecting all of us. They are in the water, the food, the air and many of our household products.
We are abused with fluoride, aluminum, mercury and other heavy metals, ag chemicals such as glyphosate, additives to food, and radiation. Mosquitoes and ticks have been weaponized to deliver illness. There are yeast and fungi growing in our bodies, parasite eggs and mold spores in food and in the air from aerosol sprays, even hydra and other parasites in vaccines and medicines.
Injections and medicines used to treat the symptoms of the distress people suffer are themselves toxic chemicals, often containing heavy metals, synthetic biology, parasites, venoms and nanotechnology.
Chemicals, gases and heavy metals, from additives to public water, burning fuels, industrial waste, pesticides and herbicides are widespread. Genetically modified crops and animal-source foods from GMO fed livestock are unhealthy as well.
Electromagnetic frequencies from a vast number of sources bombard us, adding to our stress. LED light bulbs, computer screens and cell phones emit blue light that weakens health.Malnutrition affects almost everyone. For many years, the nutritional value of foods has been generally poor. Corporate interests have run the agricultural and food processing industries with a focus on profit -- greater production at less cost.
The mineral value of agricultural soils has diminished over time as the trace minerals are not restored with the use of chemical fertilizers. At the same time, much of our food is fractured and processed. It is prepared with shelf life and flavor in mind, rather than ideal nutrition.
Inactivity and lack of physical exercise are too common in our sedentary society. Activity has gone down as screen time has increased.
The conditions of distress feed each other. Tension bogs down digestion and causes tissues to hold toxins. Toxicity impairs delivery of nutrients to tissues and irritates the cells so they cannot function as well. Nutritional deficiency weakens tissues leaving them more susceptible to tension and toxicity.
Some of the mix of toxins, parasites and other harm we are exposed to affect the glandular system, reducing fertility and changing body chemistry. Others harm the brain and nerves, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, bones and other organs.
Poor food quality and combinations of food that interfere with good digestion tend to leave undigested food residues that spoil, creating toxic waste and gases in the intestines that circulate throughout the body and cause tissues to deteriorate, undermining health.
Counter Cancer
To counter cancer, the natural health principles of relaxation, detoxification, life supporting nutrition and exercise are essential. If one is disabled, a combination of limited exercise, deeper breathing, physical therapy and massage will help move the fluids of the body.Toxins are generally acidic. Most diseases and virtually all cancers occur in a body that is overly acid. Meats, dairy products, wheat foods, coffee, soft drinks, sugar and alcohol are all acidifying, as are many food additives. It is usually helpful to pursue extra oxygen, antioxidants and alkalization.
Wheat is very problematic as a food, with thousands of irritant toxins. Some analysts claim the wheat has been engineered to be less nutritious and more toxic. Many people are allergic to wheat without realizing it, especially the gluten in it.
The chemistry of stress is also acidic to various organs of the body. Most people today are too acidic in their metabolism from acid forming foods and stress.
When the results of metabolism are detected in urine and saliva as acidic, organs are being stressed. With extended conditions of excess acidity and toxins, the body is more susceptible to degenerative diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and other blood sugar imbalances, nervous system disorders, arthritis, and cancer.
Adequate oxygen is absolutely needed to keep cancer at bay. Dr. Otto Warburg discovered in 1931 that cancer cells do not thrive in an oxygen-rich alkaline environment.
A more
alkaline forming and phytonutrient rich diet in conjunction with purging parasites, detoxification, improving digestion and oxygenating the body with appropriate nutritional supplements and exercise, can lead to an improvement in many health conditions. Herbs such as larrea (chaparral) and pau d’arco (“taheebo tea”), vitamins A, C and D, enzymes, pigments (chlorophyll - greens, carotenes - turmeric), antioxidant nutrients (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, glutathione, flax seed, turmeric) and oxygen supplements are favored by many as preventives.
~ detoxification (colon cleanse, cleanse liver, blood and lymph, avoid: poisons, alcohol, sugar, wheat, GMOs, EMFs)
~ alkalization (organically-grown fruits, vegetables, sprouts, greens, juices, minerals)
~ oxygen (exercise, full breathing, supplemental oxygen, H2O2, ozone, hyperbaric oxygen)
~ enzymes (concentrated plant source, pancreatic animal source)
~ antioxidants (turmeric, cinnamon, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, vitamin E, tocotrienols, lignans, ellagitannins, OPC'S)
~ probiotics (l. acidophilus, bifidus, l. salivarius, l. plantarum, etc., organic sauerkraut, other fermented vegetables)
~ super foods (flax seed, greens, spirulina, pollen extract - sources of phyto-nutrients, eg., antioxidants, enzymes, pigments such as chlorophyll, carotenoids, xanthophylls, phycocyanin; etc.)
CLEANSE COLON - Milled flaxseed or other foods high in beneficial fiber and herbs (cascara sagrada, senna, etc.) to move the bowels. Take 2 weeks on, 1 week off herbs until having regular, substantial, easy BM's w/out herbs.
PROBIOTIC CULTURE - High quality, concentrated multiple strains of colon cleansing friendly bacteria that fight toxic microbes. 3 caps, 3 X per day, with lots of purified water and apart from protease and silver, for 14 days. Reduce to 8 caps per day for 3 days, 7 caps per day for 3 days, etc., down to 1 cap per day at bedtime.
MULTIPLE ENZYME FORMULA - to assist digestion and metabolism 2 caps with each meal; 2 between meals. About 10-12 capsules per day suggested. Protease enzymes break down unused proteins (which feed cancer and parasites) as well as protein coatings on microorganisms and tumors.
PARASITE CLEANSE - Black Walnut hulls, Wormwood, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, Cloves, Pumpkin seeds, Garlic, etc.
LIVER & BLOOD CLEANSING - Cleanse the liver first; start with "Liver Gall Bladder Flush", then herbs like Milk Thistle, Beets & Dandelion for several weeks. Proceed slowly if Liver is saturated with toxins. The Liver helps clean the blood; many herbs can assist, such as Pau D'Arco and Burdock. The urinary system can be stressed in the cleansing process. Horsetail and Parsley are good for urinary support.
LYMPH CLEANSE - (herbs for lymph drainage and cleansing, rebounding)
IMMUNE SUPPORT - Ultimately the immune system must be restored to good function to maintain good health.
OXYGEN SUPPORT: hydrogen peroxide (CAUTION--TOO MUCH COULD HARM), chlorine dioxide, liquid stabilized oxygen (safest); air purifier producing ozone or high molecular oxygen.
ANTIOXIDANTS - Protection from free radical damage; OPC's - help heal -- 60 to 100 mg. per day. Vit. C (w/bioflav.), E (w/mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols), chlorophyll & carotene pigments, (algae, greens, turmeric), - all important. Flax seed is rich in antioxidant lignans.
FLAX SEED OIL - Dr. Budwig discovered that combining flax oil, high in Alpha Linolenic Acid, with cottage cheese as a source of lipoproteins is beneficial for cancer patients.
SUPER GREENS ANTIOXIDANT FORMULA - Greens, barley grass, algae, acai, mangosteen, Chinese wolfberry (goji), flax seed lignans, etc. This alkalizing, nutritious super food mix is very valuable with 8000 ORAC units of antioxidant capacity per serving.
SUPER FOODS - Greens, spirulina, flax seed, pollen extract and other whole foods; providing pigments (eg. chlorophyll, carotenoids), phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, etc.
TURMERIC -- curcuminoids, carotenes - superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory spice.
LARREA TRIDENTATA - This ancient plant, aka Chaparral, is anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-tumoral; concentrated extract - 2 to 3 capsules per day, raw herb - 3 to 4 caps per day
PAU D'ARCO - South American anti-tumoral tree bark widely used there by people with cancer. Also known as "Taheebo" and "Lapacho".
PAW PAW - A North American fruit tree with unique compounds in the twigs, which can be ground and made into tea.
ESSIAC TEA - Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, learned of the traditional "Ojibwa Tea of Life" and developed this famous herb formula.
SUMA - Adaptogenic herbs help the body withstand stress, regenerate, strengthen immunity and have more energy.
FRANKINCENSE - The essential oil has been used for its calming and health benefiting properties for millennia.
MOLECULA SILVER - Advanced silver product with much greater distribution through the body and superior effectiveness against invaders.
PURIFIED WATER -- Water is crucial in all body's processes; carries nutrients, oxygen and enzymes across membranes.
CALCIUM -- Absorbable, usable calcium, either organic food form, ionic or chelated and prepared for maximum availability.
MAGNESIUM -- Absorbable, usable magnesium either organic food form, ionic or chelated and prepared for maximum availability.
SUGGESTIONS: AVOID: heavy animal proteins, especially pork, chicken, beef and cheese; tobacco, coffee, alcohol; carbohydrates, especially sugar, sweets and sweet fruits; peanuts; refined and processed foods; GMOs, wheat and any food that has been micro-waved in preparation.
CONSUME ORGANICALLY GROWN fresh vegetables and vegetable juices, especially beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collard greens, kale, parsley, spinach, etc. Eat organically grown foods if possible to avoid glyphosate and other agri-chemicals. Drink and bathe in purified water (no chlorine or fluoride). Avoid electro-magnetic fields, fumes and stress.
SUPPLEMENTS: Green Super Foods (i.e. algae and cereal grasses), natural Beta-Carotene from algae, chlorophyll, flower pollen extract, foods rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (eg. Flaxseed, fish oils), mangoes, Larrea (Chaparral), Pau D'Arco (Taheebo) Tea, "Essiac" Tea (Burdock root, Sheep Sorrel, Turkey Rhubarb root, Slippery Elm bark), Red Clover, Suma, Cat's Claw, Super Oxide Dismutase, Turmeric, Co-enzyme Q10, and full-spectrum, food-source nutritional supplementation including cobalt, selenium and other trace minerals, extra Vitamin C and bioflavonoids.
cancer, stress, toxicity, nutrition, psychological, fear, tension, frequencies, poison, natural, health, parasites, chemicals, metals, water, vaccine, medicine, synthetic, biology, venom, nanotechnology, nutrients, deficiency, oxygen, alkaline
DISCLAIMER: The information provided at Natural Health Enterprises and Life Circle Media websites is for educational and entertainment purposes. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended for diagnosis, treatment or advice for any disease, nor as a substitute for the services of a qualified professional of any type.
Click here for Dr. Axe's page on cancer.
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