YESwise Holistic Learning


Natural Health Wellness Learning Module

Life Circle Media & Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information & service since 1975 ~ online since 1995

with Jon David Miller, holistic educator


Lesson 1: Natural Health Wellness Principles


~ distress of the organism is the underlying cause of dis-ease

~ toxins, deficiencies, stress and inactivity generate distress

~ detoxification, nourishment, relaxation and exercise improve health

~ pure water + nutrient dense foods, herbs & supplements are essential


Listen: "Natural Health Wellness" (8:27)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)



A basic maxim of natural health wellness is that there is only one dis-ease. I describe it as “distress of the organism”. Like a shaky four-legged card table that could easily tip over from the weakness of any leg, there are four interrelated aspects of distress that can undermine health, either individually or collectively. These are toxins, malnourishment, tension and inactivity.


The epidemic of degenerative diseases is due to this distress. Public poisons, EMFs, poor nutrition, stress, anxiety, a sedentary lifestyle and intended ignorance about all of this are the causes of illness. To be healthy in unhealthy times depends on learning and pursuing good holistic natural health practices.


Being toxic was considered the real disease by early natural health practitioners as early as the mid 1800's. Toxemia includes toxins from poor digestion, poisonous contaminants in food and water, the stress chemistry of adrenal hormones evoked by negative emotions, as well as the growing list of other public poisons, greatly increasing the incidence of health problems.


Living in a stressful polluted environment with the inadequate provision of nutrients the common diet supplies, no wonder so many have deteriorating health.


The “Standard American Diet”, the “SAD” commercial diet, is not healthy. Highly processed and cooked food products, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and toxic chemical additives and environmental poisons undermine health and engender disease. The oppositional stress of manipulated living and our fast-paced lifestyle make us more vulnerable to illness.


Treatment of ailments with pharmaceutical medicines is really not "health care". Although such an intervention may be necessary under certain conditions, it is nonetheless artificial, and may worsen health with its effects.


The body is a marvelous psycho-biological system, but it eventually falters without proper care. Health recovery requires learning about the body and holistic natural methods of self care.


SAD” Diet:

The "Standard American Diet" of highly processed and cooked sugar-fat-carbohydrate-protein heavy, chemically-treated junk food is SAD.


processed junk food products

    prepared foods

    additives, preservatives


    wheat, white four -- gluten, gliadin

    sugar, corn syrup


nutritional deficiency

mineral deficient soils



anti-nutrients: lectins, phytic acid, gluten, solanine

poor food combining

digestive issues

                    intentional malnourishment


Listen: "Eating Poorly" (7:48)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)



The nearly universal dis-ease, "distress of the organism", is caused by toxicity, malnourishment and tension from stress or psychological shock. Inactivity, such as sitting in front of the television, is also a common contributor to disease. Physical trauma or genetic anomaly are other possible contributors to a distressed state. When tissue becomes weakened or irritated enough, inflammation develops.


In this distress process a variety of possible health issues may manifest. Disease names have been given to certain sets of these symptoms. If cell death becomes critical, necrosis may interfere with organ functions.


The prevention or resolution of illness is found in the "natural health wellness principles" of rejuvenation: detoxification, life supporting nourishment, relaxation, including good sleep, and exercise.


These four principles are the legs of the "stable table" of good health and holistic wellness.

                    natural health wellness principles:






To describe these key holistic principles of natural health wellness a little more:


1) detoxify the toxins from poor digestion, imbalanced metabolism, unhealthy thinking, toxins in junk foods and other consumables and environmental poisons, avoiding exposure as much as possible;


2) nourish the body with life supporting nutrients, organic foods and super foods, pure water, good thoughts and supportive relationships;


3) relax stress and tension with stress management, good sleep and meditation, while cultivating a positive attitude of wellness;


4) exercise and tone the body and mind.


other factors:

                    protecting health and prevention of distress

pure air and adequate oxygen

pollutants, environmental contamination and city-added poisons

health concerns and weaknesses

alternative help, such as herbs or homeopathy




Health is determined primarily by what happens in the cells of the body. They need routine removal of toxins. A periodic weekend cleanse is helpful at lessening the load, utilizing bowel fiber and other detoxifying agents, lymph movement and perspiration, with light eating, juicing or fasting,  A few of those 2-day cleanses plus a longer annual detox of a week or a month would be ideal.


Good fiber such as found in organic milled flax seed is valuable for colon cleansing. Peristaltic herbs may be used to move things along. Pure water, increased oxygen, and restoration of beneficial probiotic bacteria are important. Other aspects of the process include flushing the gall bladder, liver and blood cleansing and exercise.


In addition to detoxifying, eating organic, mostly raw natural foods, and exercise, a healthy attitude, creativity and good thoughts, such as loving kindness, are important.


(More about detoxification in Lesson 4.)



Nourishment incorporates a variety of elements: food choices, food combining, nutrients, super foods, herbs, supplements, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants and more, such as thought, behavior and relationships.


Organically grown natural foods are the essential selections for eating wisely and building good health. Especially valuable choices are organically raised seeds, “embryonic foods", such as amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, alfalfa, beans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and milled flax seeds, some of which can be sprouted.


Consuming a variety of organically-grown and wild super foods will provide natural trace minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, pigments and other phytonutrients that are missing from most diet choices.


Fresh raw produce items and properly dehydrated foods and herbs are rich in beneficial nutrients, including enzymes and pigments. Cooking may make some minerals more available, but it harms or destroys many vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants.


A complete array of the various nutrients is needed for restoring health and slowing the aging process. Support for the immune system is important as well.


Super foods like organic milled flax seed, green super foods and flower pollen extract offer a great variety of minerals and other needed nutrients in easily utilized food form. North Atlantic kelp is an excellent source of trace minerals, including iodine that is essential for the thyroid and the immune system. Spirulina is rich in proteins, minerals and pigments.


(For more information see the link further below.)

Minerals are essential to the health of living organisms. Deficiency of minerals is common due to chemical agriculture, which relies on an artificial fertilizer blend providing only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Calcium may be added in the form of lime if the soil is too acidic.


With organic farming, minerals are normally restored to soil with the use of composted manure and plant matter, and possibly seaweed and other natural soil enhancers. Choose organically grown food whenever possible.


If you have the opportunity to grow your own food, building soil rich in organic matter, minerals, healthy soil microbes, and humic and fulvic acids, is the key to great success and the benefits of an abundance of good food.


Growing food for your household is wise, especially organically grown plants from non GMO, heirloom seeds. Plan your garden and obtain heirloom seeds and the soil building materials to grow good food.


Meanwhile, you can grow sprouts, lettuce and other crops indoors, or in a greenhouse or cold frame, even in the winter if you can keep plants from freezing.


 (More about nourishment in Lessons 4, 5 and 6.)


"Suboptimal diet quality was the leading risk factor for all-cause mortality, including coronary vascular disease, and disability in 2010." -- American Heart Association


Pure Water

Water is a critical factor in good health. Most people are dehydrated, a major contributor to illness. Water makes up about 70% of the body, and we need to replenish it daily due to perspiration and elimination.


Adequate pure water is essential for the detoxification process of cleansing and eliminating toxins, as well as for digestion and delivery of nutrients.


The chemical cocktail of city tap water is useful only as “work water”. It is not suitable for consumption. Well water is also often contaminated from environmental poisons. It is necessary to seek out good water that has been purified of these toxins.


A home purification system is much more economical, dependable and convenient than buying water in bottles and carting it home. The quality of commercial bottled water is suspect. What type of filters are used and how often are they changed?


The most common types of home water purifiers are gravity fed filtration, flow-through filter cartridges or tanks, reverse osmosis and distillation.


(More about water in Lesson 6. See also the link further below.)



Cardio fitness, lymphatic movement and muscle-building exercise are all important. An indoor home exercise plan or equipment is needed if it is not feasible to be outdoors or attend workout classes or a fitness center.


Pursuing holistic exercise, such as yoga, dancing, walking, hiking and biking outdoors, especially in nature, generates benefits for the physical as well as mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our nature.


Relaxing Tension

Our health is also affected by our attitude. Relaxing both tension and the concern for what stresses us leads to a calmer approach to life. If you are calm and your cells have all that they need to produce energy without excessive toxins, health will be good.


A review of past problems and traumas can be done with an attitude of acceptance of reality, forgiveness, learning and gratitude for improvement. This helps us move on to new experiences with less impairment from recycling our past disturbances.


Devoting time to cultivating relationships is rewarding. A caring family and a supportive circle of friends are very important for enjoyment of life and confident holistic living.


Better Health

Perhaps you or someone close to you have encountered a serious health problem that could have been avoided with knowledge of the holistic natural health principles.


Visit a nursing home for examples of how people end up out of ignorance of appropriate healthy choices. Arthritis, irritable bowel, diabetes, circulatory disease, cancer, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, dementia, etc., are all too common, yet unnecessary and avoidable.


The key is protection of your health and prevention of illness by following the principles of holistic natural health and wellness.


There are well-established natural alternatives to the fake health of the medical industry. It is a matter of education to learn what you should have been taught but were not.


These same principles – detoxify, nourish, exercise, relax and enjoy, can be pursued on all levels of the whole self, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of both the individual and society.


Listen: "Development of Degenerative Disease" (11:17)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)




research for yourself


Go to Lesson 2: Public Poisons


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Affordable Effective Water Purifiers - natural health products

The Best Organic Milled Flax Seed + Other Super Foods


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Natural Health Enterprises

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