YESwise Holistic Learning


Natural Health Portal to Wellness

Holistic Learning Module

Life Circle Media & Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information & service since 1975 ~ online since 1995

with Jon David Miller, holistic educator


Lesson 2: Public Poisons


~ public poisons are in food, water, air, environment & products

~ fluoride, glyphosate, GMOs, aspartame, mercury, aluminum

~ frequencies, cell phones, wi-fi, 5G, nanotechnology

~  harming all living things, undermining health for decades

~ reducing intelligence and fostering apathy

~ public poisons are an intentional attack on the population


Listen: "Public Poisons In You" (6:14)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)



The very important information presented in this lesson is quite concerning. The opinions expressed are controversial due to the longstanding promotional influence of vested interests being exposed as fraud.

Even though you may have been unaware of it, if you investigate the additional information and the resources I provide, you will learn that these issues are hot topics of the day among knowledgeable researchers and in alternative communication media.

What you will learn here is not a reason for fear and anxiety. Negative emotions are unhealthy just as the public poisons are. The appropriate response is to protect ourselves as best we can while working together to expose the travesty of the attacks on health, and to take action to change things for the better.

I found out decades ago about serious problems with public poisons such as agricultural chemicals, industrial pollution, toxic waste, fluoridation, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, food additives and toxins in personal care and home products. I have described these in my books and health lectures and seminars, which I have presented in many locations of the Eastern U.S.A.

In 2006 I put up a website and e-book on the harm to users from cell phones and exposure electromagnetic fields (EMFs). For several years, I had three websites at the same time explaining geo-engineering aerosols and the poisons in them, then moved that information to more comprehensive sites describing the whole picture of public poisons and other major concerns.

These public poison problems and the planning behind them are not new to me, but you may not know that much about it. You may be shocked and dismayed, or you may not believe some of this at first.

The reality is that we have been profoundly lied to, repeatedly poisoned to make us less intelligent, manipulated, and tremendously distracted so we do not recognize the weapons used against us, nor realize the falsehood, the mind control and the real reasons for our deterioration in health and well-being.

I urge you to release any fear, suspend doubt for a while and move beyond the misinformation and censorship of powerful interests to pursue this subject matter thoroughly. Please consider actions for protecting your health and improving the situation.


What Are "Public Poisons"?

For more than a century, the population has been subjected to a growing variety and increasing amounts of mass public poisons in our consumable products, homes and environment. Some of these poisons are harmfully affecting you and your loved ones continuously.

We are like walking test tube experiments with various mixtures of chemical additives and electromagnetic frequencies producing ill results. Why and how are we routinely receiving multiple poisons in small doses without our being clearly notified?

Most people are unaware that intentional poisons are contributing to diminished mental ability, degenerative diseases and death on purpose. Government and military officials under the influence of a secretive organization of global power, have arranged for themselves permission to experiment with "secret weapons" on the public without concern for the harm these cause.

This powerful worldwide cabal made up of leaders of little-known councils, influential think tanks and interlocking corporations, has planned the use of toxic chemicals, heavy metals and other poisonous agents in agriculture, food processing, water treatment, commonly used home products, pharmaceutical medicines, industrial activities and undisclosed projects, that are severely harmful to health and life.

This is not a "conspiracy theory", it is in fact a real conspiracy of the highest and most sinister order.

In the interests of conserving resources and increasing control of nations and people, powerful wealthy elitists want the rest of the population to be less intelligent, less fertile, more distracted and eliminated early, by the time their usefulness to the controlled system has subsided.

If you are not aware of this hidden "depopulation" agenda, you need to know about it. If it is news to you, it is not something to be fearful of, as it has been going on during your whole lifetime. Awareness of it allows us to better protect ourselves, and as more of us know about it, we can work together to change it.


Public Poisons Are Harming You

Mercury, chlorine, fluoride, aluminum, aspartame, MSG, citric acid, glyphosate, sodium laurel sulfate, propylene glycol, phthalates, and BPA, are some of the most common toxic ingredients hidden in compounds routinely in food, water, beverages and medicines or used on the body. Nearly everyone has detectable levels of glyphosate and PTFE in the body.

Among these are serious brain and nerve toxins that lower IQ, foster apathy and may bring on nervous system disorders or dementia. Others are hormone disrupters, estrogen mimickers, fertility blockers or immune system depressors.

Short List of Public Poisons

(in water, food, home products and the environment):

      fluoride, chlorine

      herbicides (eg., glyphosate)

      pesticides, fungicides



      food additives: flavors, colors, conditioners, enhancers, thickeners, preservatives

      plastics, phthalates, PVC

      estrogen mimickers (eg., BPA, BPS)

      polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

      micro-plastic dust

      water treatment chemicals






           geo-engineering aerosols


 nanobots, nanotechnology


 fracking wastes

 home and industrial toxic chemical waste

      household chemicals

 pharmaceutical medicines and vaccines

 cleaning, yard, automotive products

 personal care products

 EMFs, RFs, cell phones, wi-fi


Brain Poisons

We are being intentionally contaminated with fluoride, glyphosate and other agricultural chemicals, GMOs, aspartame, estrogen mimickers, heavy metals and many other public poisons. What about the variety of food additives for flavor, color, texture and preservation?

These toxins contribute to most of the illnesses people have. Some of these are serious brain toxins that lower IQ and foster apathy.

One of the most serious issues we face today is getting free enough of the public poisons that negatively impact the brain and nervous system.

In addition to hypnotic media and psychological programming, we have been unknowingly exposed to chemicals and frequencies that affect the brain. These ubiquitous toxins reduce intelligence, undermine health and shorten life. Autism, dementia, Parkinson’s and erratic behavior are epidemic. 

Fluoride has been in most public water supplies in the U.S.A. for over 60 years. This along with the aluminum, mercury and fluoride in vaccines, the mercury in dental fillings, the aspartame and other additives in food products, the aluminum, barium and other metals in geo-engineering aerosol sprays, the chemicals from industry and agriculture, GMO foods and glyphosate herbicide and the mind-altering meds so many are on, all can interfere with the brain and its functions.

How much intelligence have we lost due to the effects of the controlled educational and news programs in combination with mind-altering chemicals and the frequencies affecting brain waves? It is estimated that the average IQ is 10 to 20 points lower than it was in the mid-20th Century and earlier.

Avoid fluoride-laden water, vaccines and medications if possible, and minimize outdoor activities on days of heavy Stratospheric Aerosol Injection spraying.


GMOs and Glyphosate Are Toxic to Living Things

Glyphosate weed killer has been among the most used agricultural herbicides for years, especially with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Nearly everyone has glyphosate in their body at a level that can be detected in their urine, 93% of test subjects (all ages).

Why do so many food products like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup contain GMO ingredients and glyphosate? Aspartame, made from GMO components, is itself a serious brain poison, meaning diet soft drinks are not a smart choice.

More than 280 million pounds per year of glyphosate are sprayed in U.S.A. to kill weeds. It is overused in agriculture due to the development of GMO seeds that resist it. Soy, corn, sorghum, alfalfa and now wheat are commonly genetically-altered crops treated with glyphosate.

It is also used in lawn treatment, on golf courses, along roadways and in other locations of weed management.

Glyphosate is now used on crops of wheat, barley, beans and more, in drying the plants for harvesting, so it is not just in GMO foods. It is now in beer, wine, whiskey, cereals, beans and many food products that are not GMO. Even some "organic" food products have tested positive for glyphosate, as it can blow over from sprayed fields to organic fields nearby.

Glyphosate reduces mineral uptake by the plants it is used on, particularly iron, manganese and zinc. In the body, it damages the good intestinal bacteria as well as liver enzymes that deal with cholesterol and fat. It has an altering effect on our own DNA, and it is now known to be carcinogenic.

GMOs in the food supply for humans, pets and livestock. These artificially manipulated foods and ingredients are incompatible with the biology of the consumers. Livestock fed large quantities of GMO foods, particularly corn, soy and alfalfa, often have digestive trouble, immune weakness and tumors.

As though modern lab prepared foods would be better for you, the phrase “transgenic foods” is now being applied as a smooth-sounding scientific term to try get genetically modified food items more widely accepted.


Poisons on the Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is not a complete barrier to entry. What gets onto the skin goes in!

Among the many public poisons are the synthetic fabrics many people often wear next to their skin.

Polyester is the worst fabric. It is made from synthetic polymers made from esters of dihydric alcohol and terpthalic acid.

Acrylic fibers are polycrylonitriles and may cause cancer according to the EPA.

Rayon is recycled wood pulp that must be treated with chemicals like caustic soda, ammonia, acetone and sulfuric acid to survive regular washing and wearing.

Acetate and Triacetate are made from wood fibers called cellulose and undergo extensive chemical processing.

Nylon is made from petroleum, and is often given a permanent chemical finish that can be harmful.

Cotton and wool are natural fibers, but they are commonly bleached, dyed or otherwise chemically treated. It is wise to wash new clothes a few times to reduce these agents.

Anything static resistant, stain resistant, stain proof, permanent press, wrinkle-free or moth repellant are likely treated with perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) like Teflon.

In the early days of the FDA, ingredients of skin and hair care products were “grandfathered in” as permissible components that are unhealthy, which are still widely used, such as sodium laurel sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate and propylene glycol. Sunscreens and many medicinal ointments and salves have toxic ingredients also.

We need to learn about these poisons in personal care products and take steps to obtain natural skin care items.


Artificial Clouds and Poison Rain

Have you noticed that the skies are much more hazy than they were 25 years ago? How have so few of us noticed the spraying of aerosols in the sky?

How do so many think the idea is crazy when it is mentioned to them that airplanes are spraying materials in the atmosphere, much more than jet contrails, that cause this haze? It is because this activity has not been publicized or even acknowledged as valid until now.

If you have seen the airplanes at work, you may have assumed the emissions were normal jet contrails of ice crystals, which is what was intended and expected by the perpetrators of the project.

Atmospheric aerosol geo-engineering has been a hidden program for more than 25 years. It has been increased in recent years.

Routine spraying of coal fly ash with aluminum, barium, fluoride and other toxic components is the reason for the hazy skies. The fallout is toxic and it effects every living thing adversely.

The forms of artificial clouds in our skies include the new chemical types, as well as unusual wavy patterns often caused by a hidden powerful technology that directs beams of frequencies to effect the metals in the sprays.

There are multiple reasons why they do this, the main one being control of the weather, another being control of us.

Listen: "A Strange Cloud Hangs Over Us" (7:11)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)


Climate Geo-engineering

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, one aspect of geo-engineering, has been engaged for decades serving a multiplicity of purposes, as strategized in the cabal think tanks and carried out by their agents who are restricted from speaking by non-disclosure requirements.

What are the purposes of plastic chaff, coal fly ash, nanobots, toxic and radioactive metals and more being sprayed in the atmosphere in the geo-engineering aerosols? What are these ingredients of the toxic air soup we are breathing doing to us? What about the fallout of these toxins on our clothing, shoes, hair and skin? How much of the aerosol poisons are in our homes?

The planet is in a serious state, with plastic micro-dust, nanobots and toxic chemicals everywhere, including in all of us.

Geo-engineering is now being publicly introduced as a method to counter climate change as though it is just recently .under consideration. However, this procedure has been going on quietly in our skies for 25 years or more. It is one if not the main cause of climate and weather anomalies, as well as much of the degenerative illness.

The current climate change narrative is NOT “settled science“. "Global warming" and "climate change" are being used as memes by those behind the agenda of blaming earth changes on overpopulation and overuse of "fossil fuels".

(NOTE: There is a strong "abiotic" theory argument that oil is not from decayed ancient dinosaurs and plant life, but created by a process involving minerals, heat and pressure inside the planet.)

The proper scientific method is to continually research both new and old information and theories with improved methods and careful discipline to clarify how things truly work, expanding our understanding.

The misleading indictment of normal human activities, such as generating energy for our homes, manufacturing products, and operating machines and vehicles, as the main drivers of climate change and weather anomalies, is a strategy of the think tanks serving the elitist power cabal seeking to control us and the resources.

Real scientists are still trying to determine whether the earth’s climate is actually warming overall, or are we slipping into an ice age of some magnitude, or are we experiencing a temporary anomaly of unusual solar activity effecting the planets, or is our solar system in proximity to a normally more distant large body that affects everything in the solar system, or are there other factors at play?

Increasing gradually, unannounced but observable geo-engineering actions may have actually been a primary cause of the changes in climate and harsh weather events that it is being offered to correct. In fact, extreme weather events may be caused or directed on purpose to serve a population control agenda.

Weather modification is a major purpose of geo-engineering. Rain can be created, or forestalled to cause drought. The growth of plants is affected, and both crops and infrastructure are sometimes destroyed by manipulated severe weather events.

The frequency beams produced by ionospheric heater technology can be used with the metals in the aerosol sprays to move and intensify storms or droughts, and hurricanes. Similar technology can be used to generate earthquakes as well. These actions are also causing methane to be released from the arctic ice, a dangerous threat to life.

What are these frequencies doing to us that are zinging around the atmosphere, the woods and fields, our neighborhoods and our homes and cars?

There are other effects of geo-engineering and frequencies beyond weather control, such as reduced intelligence, mind control and depopulation.

(more about geo-engineering and climate change)


EMF Harm

Electromagnetic pollution (emf) from cell phone and wi-fi transmissions are seriously harmful, and can deliver frequencies and messages to influence thinking.

Wi-fi radiation and electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, computers, smart meters and other electronic devices, are also part of the population control project. These technologies are being used for comprehensive surveillance and mind control.

We are subjecting ourselves to these harmful external stressors day in and day out. Prolonged and repeated exposure to aggressive EMF causes a measurable stress response, a negative shift in energy in the human bio-field. Studies have linked electromagnetic pollution to health concerns like fatigue and tension, as well as potentially much more dangerous conditions.

Now they are rolling out “5G” that is able to transmit thoughts to brains more effectively, as well as gather vastly more surveillance data and zap us with more harmful waves than ever.

We are living in an electro-magnetic soup that is constantly impacting our well-being. The modern day electronic conveniences our population has become dependent on are harming health, reducing intelligence and shortening life.

Cell phones, cordless phones, computers, PDA's, Bluetooth headsets, wi-fi, microwaves, smart meters, remote control and other electronic devices generate a sea of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF, RF, ELF). Use of these devices has been linked to various stress-related ailments.

The microwaves from wireless devices are slowly cooking us, especially if you have one in a car. The metal vehicle frame forms a Faraday cage, which traps the damaging frequencies inside, bombarding you as in a microwave oven.

Preoccupation with use of cell phones and pads is built-in to them along with the bio-weapon harm. People can actually become addicted to their devices, which have hypnotizing features. For examples, the ding for an arriving text message and the thumbs up for a social media post appeal to the need to be acknowledged and liked.

The gradual reduction in intelligence, balance, memory, etc., goes unnoticed until mental and nervous system conditions become serious, such as developing dementia or Parkinson’s. Cancer is another major potential negative result of regular exposure to EMF.

These frequencies foster illness, infertility, apathy, stress, reduced intelligence, mental disorders and early death. They can be used for effective control of the masses by a cabal of manipulators in high places.


5G = Bio-weapon = Worsening Health + Mind Control

Now in addition to current cell phone and wi-fi frequencies, they are rolling out “smart” utility meters and “5G”, the fifth generation of wi-fi. These use frequencies far more harmful to biological life than the previous generations of technology, already bombarding us.

It is claimed that the 5G waves do not penetrate solid objects well, and therefore the signals need repeater antennae every 800 feet or so for complete coverage. This over-saturation actually facilitates full observation and control.

Your “smart” appliances will be able to report on you through your “smart” meter to the “smart” grid computers. The technocracy wants to limit your carbon footprint, a fabricated excuse for high tech tyranny. This is all not actually very smart!

The ongoing replacement of analog utility meters with smart meters and the roll out of 5G, have had little valid human testing for health effects.

The industry only considers thermal (heat) effects, which have only a short distance of harmfulness. Although nearly a third of their own limited studies indicated non-thermal effects, which have a much greater range of potential harm. These are ignored as if they do not exist.

Smart meters and 5G will be subjecting us to nearer, stronger EMF fields, much more damaging than those already in play, creating serious harm.

These military grade weapon technologies could be used to control us completely, including not only worse health for the body, but also mind control with implanted thoughts.

5G was used on the battle field as a “voice of God” trick to get Iraqi soldiers to put down their weapons and leave or surrender. It is also used for management of a hostile crowd and for “voice to skull” thoughts in individuals targeted as experimental victims.

5G towers make a constant droning sound along with the frequencies, and will be deployed near residences everywhere.

More and more people are becoming electromagnetically hypersensitive (EMH). It is estimated that 20% to 30% of the population of the USA and European developed nations are experiencing this problem already from the electric power grid, cell phones and wi-fi.

4G, the current generation of wi-fi, pulses at a rate that effects the water molecules in the body, which is about 70% water. 5G millimeter waves will intensify the effects on the blood cells, further reduce fertility and alter electrochemical processes in the brain and nervous system.

5G frequencies also cause a leaking of calcium and other minerals from cells, making it harder to think clearly and to cope with stress, while leading to degenerative disease. Example:

RF/EMF/Wi-Fi/5G + GMOs --> peroxynitrite --> low sperm count, cell DNA damage, excess blood calcium, endocrine issues, nerve problems, cell death (including brain cells), cancer

Some of the health effects of 5G mimic flu symptoms. The 60 hz frequency of 5G causes the electrons in oxygen molecules to spin, such that they are less able to connect with the hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying agent in blood. Thus shortness of breath, oxygen deprivation or acute respiratory syndrome may result. Additional symptoms are fatigue, weakness, headaches, nerve and muscle pain, passing out and death.

Some researchers think the coronavirus pandemic was initiated on purpose to cover up the harmful effects of the deployment of 5G. The cities in China where the "COVID-19" was rampant are the first in the world to have 5G networks implemented.

EMFs and 5G frequencies are part of the depopulation agenda to foster illness, infertility, apathy, stress, reduced intelligence, mental disorders and early death. They may also be contributing to the loss of bees, needed pollinators for growing many crops.

One principle of the control strategy of the power cabal is "order out of chaos". How convenient that they can now create the chaos with the flip of a switch!

Please make friends aware of the terrible consequences of cell phone, wi-fi, smart meter and 5G EMF fields. We must support the movement to stop 5G implementation until the frequencies are made safe for living well.

The claim is that the shorter distance of 5G transmission requires the units to be near so that we have the complete saturation needed for smart technologies and driverless cars. The antennae are being installed on buildings and utility poles only a few hundred feet apart.

Simply boycott the purchase of a 5G device and avoid overuse of a cell phone close to you and those nearby. Help organize a petition to prevent the placement of the proposed 13 million 5G antennae along our streets in front of every few homes.

Adequate magnesium is a critical protection for the cells of the body. Plant calcium, hemp seeds, hemp oil, rosemary herb, organic coffee and whey protein are all helpful to cell membranes in countering EMF damage as well.

Other super foods and antioxidants are also needed to strengthen and maintain health. With these depopulation challenges, key knowledge, detoxification, a natural lifestyle, and protection from EMF fields are crucial to better health.

Listen: "5G Weapon Technology" (7:57)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)

(more about 5G, EMF & wi-fi)


Pharmaceutical Overload

Listen: "Pharmaceutical Overload" (8:14)

(note: the original article for this recording is now found on this page.)


More than half of the U.S. population is on some type of routine chemical medicines that suppress or redirect symptoms yet do not correct the underlying condition. The cabal of powers-that-be that owns the medical industry has been allowed to dictate with false authority the health decisions of most people.

Many pharmaceuticals seriously interfere with proper biological functioning. Some create dependency, even addiction. Most are a mix of chemical and biological components that include highly toxic ingredients. Many are contaminated with heavy metals and other chemicals that poison the body and brain. Extraneous harmful organisms have been in many vaccines.

How has this come about? What is the real motive of the annual promotion of childhood vaccinations for school and flu shots for children, seniors and everyone else? In advertising, media broadcasts and on drug store signs, flu shots are now promoted most of the year.

Most of the population has been fraudulently convinced to accept the ridiculous idea that medical vaccines are necessary to prevent getting an infectious disease.

Falsified research, deceptive brainwashing by pharma lobbyists and advertising propaganda, mis-educated and manipulated drug pushers and enticed ignorant officials, have resulted in unjustified but thorough authorization of the hidden poisons in medicines.

The propaganda represents an intentional agenda. The real purposes of this are profit, control and depopulation.

Now the medical vested interests want vaccinations to be compulsory, which has already been done in California. Some other states are joining them or considering it.

Children are pumped with vaccines from infancy. These often contain both living and dead viruses, some of them genetically altered, plus contaminating viruses and mycoplasma, a form of bacteria without cell walls and not susceptible to antibiotics, as well as toxic chemicals.

Vaccines, flu shots and other medical formulations usually have toxic metals, mercury and aluminum in them, and often poisonous fluoride. Mind numbing, cancer causing fluoride has also been in most public water supplies in the U.S.A. for over 60 years, and is in many dental products and dental procedures.

A variety of chemical poisons have been included in medicines on purpose for population control and depopulation by lessening intelligence, reducing fertility, creating terrible health problems, such as autism and cancer, and shortening life. Some of the poisons are used as preservatives. Others are adjuvants, included to stimulate a reaction from the immune system to give the appearance that the vaccine has "worked".

Many of the hundreds of millions of people taking meds are on multiple prescriptions. As these are recycled in our water supply, nearly everyone is affected that way also. Thorough water purification is needed before consumption.

Combining the medicines with the other public poisons, including fluoride and chlorine added to our city water, toxic climate engineering aerosols being sprayed in the atmosphere, genetically modified crops (GMO) with the toxic glyphosate herbicide used with them, excessive radiation still streaming from Fukushima, Japan and other leaking nuclear plants, and harmful frequencies of cell phones, wi-fi and the new 5G network, all life on our planet is threatened by these overwhelmingly harmful influences.

All this poisoning is part of an agenda developed by the elitist powers that want a less intelligent, health-challenged and ultimately smaller population, while making profits for their tyrannical medical operation. The medical industry serves the elitists by keeping people less smart, distracting them by preoccupation with their health problems, and robbing them of their earnings to pay for ineffective care that creates more problems.

The few at the top of the pyramid of power are so rich that they care more about getting rid of most of the population, and full control of the remainder, than profit.

Routine medication will not make you healthy. Your body does not have a deficiency of any pharma medicine. On the contrary, pharmaceuticals will usually make you less well, less able to be healthy in the future, and more likely to be dead before you would be without them!

Our health is really determined by what happens in the cells of the body. If they are deficient in nutrients, stressed and impaired by toxins, they cannot perform properly and health may be poor. If the cells have all that they need to produce energy, and not too much toxins and stress, health is likely to be good.

We have been brainwashed, deceived and defrauded for profit and control by the mythology of medical treatment for ailments. The side effects of one med leads to the prescription of another and more poisoning.

I consider it wise, in my opinion, for myself to avoid the ill-informed practice of vaccination, as well as the medical treatment of symptoms except in a life-threatening circumstance. I consider it important to learn to naturally support the immune system instead.

Overcome the blacklisting and suppression of this information by spreading the message.

(much more about vaccines in the Public Poisons Learning Module)


Cabal Plans

The plan of the hidden cabal has been to weaken the immune system, electro-chemically alter the brain, reduce intelligence, and diminish the fertility, health quality and lifespan of the masses.

This dis-intelligence and depopulation agenda has been implemented to simultaneously feed the coffers of the medical division of the corporate conglomerate, while restructuring social organization under full spectrum dominance of the elite cabal.

We are being poisoned on purpose to undermine our health and reduce the population. These toxins are intentional, harming vastly more people than conventional war actions.

Weakened health, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, electromagnetic harassment, distraction, deception, depopulation, mind control and trans-humanism, are all aspects of the multi-purpose global control agenda.


Greater Wisdom About Public Poisons

The awareness of our exposure to influences that undermine health has grown over the last 50 years, with many now involved in raising the issues and offering solutions. However, most people continue ingesting public poisons in their water, food, air and medicines, mostly unaware.

Too many consume the chemical water coming through their tap, fill their grocery baskets with nutritionally stripped, chemically-doctored, fake food products, breathe the aerosolized chemical sprays in the air, and take fraudulent pharma chemicals for false relief from the health problems generated by all these toxins and deficiencies.

Increasing quantities and types of mass public poisons have been spread among us over the last century according to plans set in elitist think tanks, with the intent of reduced intelligence, fertility and lifespan for the masses.

What in consciousness has led us to blindly become victims of the mass poisoning of our planet and ourselves? How are we to consider all this without fear and distress?

From the perspective of holistic natural philosophy, we are spiritual beings that have come to this physical life for the purpose of greater awareness. In becoming aware of challenges and developing solutions, we are learning and growing in insight and deeper understanding.

In the great pursuit of improved circumstances there are competing tendencies among humanity, both caring for others and selfishness, both good and evil.

Some choose to pursue a course of individual accumulation of wealth and power, pushing aside concern for others as a nuisance. A few feel emboldened or energized by committing to the exploitation of others, even to the point of abuse and killing, assuming "the ends justify the means”.

This is a severely mistaken understanding of holistic reality, which will generate appropriate lessons in the long run.

We can intuitively know that caring for ourselves is the same as caring for others, thereby engaging in learning experiences of a higher order.

We must realize that allowing psychopaths to become our leaders who cherish exercising control, has led to a dangerous crisis in our world. Now it is time to step up and realize we have been deceived.

Aware people are working together to expose the global control plans and the poisoning being implemented by the elitist cabal. Please help by joining or initiating efforts to raise awareness and stop the intentional public poisons, the harmful frequencies and the environmental damage.

It can take a lot of exposure and explanation for people operating with "normalcy bias" to recognize that this criminal dominance process is going on, and not just some crazy "conspiracy theory".

Helping the cause can be as simple as making your friends aware of the control cabal, public poisons and how to better protect themselves, while supporting those working to reveal and correct these harmful programs.

How successful can we be at accomplishing greater awareness if we do not have an accurate perspective on what is happening in and around us?

It is up to us who appreciate and express the power and creativity of awareness to get organized and take control of the world out of the hands of the psychopaths.

To get the most out of life, we need to be able to identify false reality, propaganda and manipulation, to protect ourselves from poisons and abuse, and to be solidly based in the goodness that is holistic reality.

A key aspect of our development is learning to work together to accomplish more than we could alone.

The path of greater wisdom is to care about one another enough to make the world better. We need to become aware of the challenges posed by the elitists and remove their access to the positions of power.

As a human race, we face the great challenge of preventing our extinction and making life better on this planet. With good folks working together to save ourselves from destruction, and then expanding our opportunities to learn and grow while caring for ourselves and others, we can make the most of our experience here.

As a first priority, we can learn the holistic natural health principles for supporting our bodies and maintaining the best intelligence we can in the face of the attempt by the selfish cabal interests to poison and deceive us.

Then there are important questions we must consider together:

~ What normalcy bias and other assumptions that we make may be causing us to hold a distorted view of the world and to remain distracted and unaware?

~ Why are there a prolific variety of public poisons in our food, water, air and products we use? What role do these toxins play in stress, disease and diminished intelligence?

~ How can we protect ourselves and move beyond the false poisonous lifestyle to one that helps us heal and grow in awareness, knowledge and discernment so we can be in control of our own lives?

~ How do we reject the exploitive and abusive model and technologies of social, economic and physical-mental-emotional control, and work together with kindness and wisdom?


Minimize Exposure, Detoxify and Improve

More and more people are coming to understand that our air, food, water, medicines, personal care products, home and auto care items and new home furnishings, contain harmful chemicals and frequencies.

These public poisons have been quietly introduced in our lives intentionally, and valid information has been censored. The cabal owns the medical establishment, the main media, most industry and much of the bureaucracy.

Key knowledge, detoxification, a holistic natural lifestyle and emf protection are crucial to better health and clearer thinking.  To improve health and well-being, use the best detoxification aids, antioxidants, super foods, herbs, essential oils, minerals and other natural nutrients, while minimizing exposure to public poisons.

It is critical to restore mental clarity. We need to learn to protect our health from all the toxic influences and survive, while getting together and organizing to stop all the deception and poisoning.


(much more in the Public Poisons Learning Module)



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